A selection of scientific articles with main or contributing authors from Møref...
A selection of scientific articles with main or contributing authors from Møreforsking (before 2014)
Authour(s) |
Year |
Title |
Reference/Journal |
Gundersen, A.C., Kennedy, J.,Woll, A.K., Fossen, I., Boje. J. |
2012 |
Identifying potential Greenland halibut spawning areas and nursery grounds off East and South-western Greenland and its management implications |
Journal of Sea Research
doi:10.1016/j.seares.2012.05.016 |
Kennedy, J., Gundersen, A.C., Høines, Å.S. and Kjesbu, O.S. |
2011 |
Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) spawn annually but successive cohorts of oocytes develop over 2 years, complicating correct assessment of maturity |
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68(2): 201–209
doi:10.1139/F10-149 |
Gundersen, A.C., Stenberg, C., Fossen, I., Lyberth, B., Boje, J., Jørgensen, O.A. |
2010 |
Sexual maturity cycle and spawning of Greenland halibut, R. hippoglossoides Walbum, in the Davis Strait |
J. Fish. Biol. 77: 211-226. Doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02671.x |
2010 |
Rapid Nondestructive Determination of Edible Meat Content in Crabs (Cancer pagurus) by Near-Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy |
Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 64, Issue 7, pp. 691-699 |
Woll, A.K., Larssen, W.E, and Fossen, I. |
2010 |
Physiological Responses of Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus Linnaeus 1758) to Dry Storage Under Conditions Simulating Vitality Stressors |
Journal of Shellfish Research 29(2):479-487.
doi: 10.2983/035.029.0226 |
Bakke S, Jordal AE, Gómez-Requeni P, Verri T, Kousoulaki K, Aksnes A, Rønnestad I. |
2010 |
Dietary protein hydrolysates and free amino acids affect the spatial expression of peptide transporter PepT1 in the digestive tract of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). |
Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol 156(1):48-55 |
Gundersen, A.C., Hjørleifsson, E. and Kennedy, J. |
2009 |
Fecundity of Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides W.) in the Waters of Iceland |
J. Northw. Atl.Fish. Sci., Vol. 40: 75-80. |
Kennedy, J., Gundersen, A. C. and Boje, J. |
2009 |
Fisheries Research. 100(3), 260-265. | |
Høines, Å. S., and Gundersen, A. C. |
2008 |
Rebuilding the Stock of Northeast Arctic Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) |
J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 41: 107–117. doi:10.2960/J.v41.m618 |
Woll, A. K. og Berge, G.M. |
2007 |
Feeding and management practices affect quality improvement in wild-caught edible crab (Cancer pagurus) |
Aquaculture, 269: 328-338 |
Synnes,M., Larssen, W.E. og Kjerstad, M. |
2007 |
Chemical characterization and properties of fivedeep-sea fish species. |
LWT - Food Science and Technology Volume 40, Issue 6, August 2007, Pages 1049-1055 |
Synnes, M. |
2007 |
Bioprospecting of organisms from the deep-sea: Scientific and environmental aspects. |
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 53-59(7) |
Woll, A. K., van der Meeren, G. I., og Fossen, I. |
2006 |
Spatial variation in abundance and catch composition of Cancer pagurus in Norwegian waters: biological reasoning and implications for assessment. |
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63: 421-433. |
Woll, A. K., van der Meeren, G. I., og Tuene, S. |
2006 |
Quality improvement by feeding wild-caught Edible crab (Cancer pagurus L.), a pilot study. |
Aqaculture Research. 37, 1487-1496. |
Berge, G.M. og Woll A. |
2006 |
Feeding Saithe fillet or a formulated moist feed to the Brown crab Cancer pagurus: Effects on yield, composition and sensory quality of medium filled captured crabs. |
Aquaculture, 258, 496-502 |
Fossen, I. og Bergstad, O.A. |
2006 |
Distribution and biology of blue hake, Antimora rostrata (Pisces: Moridae), along the mid-Atlantic Ridge and off Greenland |
Fisheries Research, 82, 19-29 |
Aune, T., Torgersen, T., Aasen, J., Castberg, T., Naustvoll, L-J., Woll, A. K. |
2006 |
Risk assessment of DSP toxins in Brown crab (Cancer pagurus). |
International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety, Galway, Ireland, June 14th-18th, 2004, pp. 464-468. |
Remme, J., Larssen, W. E., Bruheim, I., Sæbø, P.C., Sæbø, A., Stoknes, I. |
2006 |
Lipid content and fatty acid distribution in tissues from Portuguese dogfish, leafscale gulper shark and black dogfish. |
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 143, 459-464 |
Stoknes, I., Oehlenschlager,J. og Gormley,E. |
2006 |
Quality evaluation of silver smelt (Argentina silus) and its suitability for seafood products. |
In: Seafood research from fish to dish. Eds: Luten, Jacobsen, Bekaert, Sæbø and Oehlenschlager. Wageningen Academic, s. 439-456. |
Simonsen, C.S. og Gundersen, A. |
2005 |
Ovary development in Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in west Greenland waters. |
Journal of Fish Biology, 67, 1299-1317. |
Stoknes, I, Walde, P.M og Synnes, M. |
2005 |
Proteolytic activity in Cod (Gadus marhua) muscle during salt curing. |
Food Research Intern, 38, 693-699 |
Økland, H.M.W, Stoknes, I.S., Remme, J.F., Kjerstad, M. og Synnes, M. |
2005 |
Proximate composition, fatty acid and lipid class composition of the muscle freom deep-sea teleost and elasmobranchs |
Comp. Biochem Physiol. (B), 140. 437-443 |
Remme, J.F., Synnes, M. og Stoknes, I. |
2005 |
Chemical characterisation of eggs from deep-sea sharks. |
Comp. Biochem Physiol.(B), 140-146 |
Woll, A.K. og Gundersen, A.C. |
2004 |
Diet composition and intra-specific competition of young Greenland halibut around southern Greenland. |
Journal of Sea Research, 51: 243-249. |
Ådlandsvik, B., Gundersen, A.C., Nedreaas, K.H., Stene, A. og Albert, O.T. |
2004 |
Modelling the advection and diffusion of eggs and larvae of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the northeast Arctic. |
Fisheries Oceanography, 13(6), 403–415. |
Stoknes, I.S., Økland, H.M., Falch, E., Synnes, E. |
2004 |
Fatty acid and lipid class composition in eyes and brain from teleosts and elasmobranchs. |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 138 (2):183-191. |
Kjerstad, M., Fossen, I., og Willemsen, H.M.
2003 |
Utilization of deep-sea sharks at Hatton Bank in the North Atlantic.
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science 31: 333-338.
Fossen, I., Albert, O. T. og Nilssen, E. M.
2003 |
Improving the precision of ageing assessments for long rough dab by using digitised pictures and otolith measurements. |
Fisheries Research, 60 (1): 53 - 64
Fossen, I., Jørgensen, O.A., og Gundersen, A.C. |
2003 |
Roughhead Grenadier (Macrourus berglax) in the Waters off East Greenland: Distribution and Biology. |
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science 31: 285-298 |
Møller, P. R., Nielsen, J. G. og Fossen, I.
2003 |
Patagonian toothfish found off Greenland.
Nature. 421, 599. |
Gundersen, A.C., Rønneberg, J.E. og Boje, J.
2001 |
Fecundity of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in East Greenland waters.
Fisheries Research, 51 (2-3): 229-236 |
Woll, A.K., Boje, J., Holst, R. og Gundersen, A.C. |
2001 |
Catch rates and hook and bait selectivity in longline fishery for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Walbaum) at East Greenland |
Fisheries Research, 51:237-246 |
Albert, O.T., Nilssen, E., Stene, A., Gundersen, A.C. and Nedreaas, K.H. |
2001 |
Spawning of the Barents Sea/Norwegian Sea Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) |
Fisheries Research, 51 (2-3): 217-228
Albert, O.T., Nilssen, E.M., Nedreaas, K.H. and Gundersen, A.C.
2001 |
Distribution and abundance of juvenile Northeast Arctic Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in relation to survey coverage and the physical environment. |
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 58: 1053-1062 |
Boyer, D. C., Boyer, H. J., Fossen, I. og Kreiner, A. |
2001 |
Changes in abundance of the northern Benguela sardine stock during the decade 1990-2000, with comments on the relative importance of fishing and the environment. |
South African Journal of Marine Science, 23: 67-84 |
Fossen, I., Boyer, D. C. og Plarre, H.
2001 |
Changes in some key biological parameters of the northern Benguela sardine stock.
South African Journal of Marine Science, 23: 111-121 |
Greaves, K. og Tuene, S.
2001 |
The form and context of aggressive behaviour in farmed Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus L. |
Aquaculture 193: 139-147 |
Gundersen, A.C., Nedreaas, K.H., Kjesbu, O.S. og Albert, O.T. |
2000 |
Fecundity and recruitment variability of Northeast Arctic Greenland halibut during 1980-1998, with emphasis on 1996-1998. |
Journal of Sea Research, 44: 45-54 |
Gundersen, A.C., Kjesbu, O.S., Stene, A. og Nedreaas, K. H. |
1999 |
Fecundity of the northeast Arctic Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). |
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science, 25: 29-36
Aas, G.H., Storebakken, B., Bjerkeng, B. og Ruyter,B. |
1999 |
Blood appearance, metabolic transformation and transport proteins of 14C astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) |
Fish Physiol. Biochem. 2: 325-334
Huse, I., Gundersen, A.C. and Nedreaas, K. H. |
1999 |
Relative selectivity in trawls, longline and gillnets on Greenland halibut. |
Fisheries Research, 44: 75-93
Stene, A., Gundersen, A. C., Solemdal, P., Nederaas, K.H. og Albert, O.T. |
1999 |
Early development of Northeast Arctic Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). |
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science, 25: 171-178 |
Fossen, I., Albert, O. T. og Nilssen, E. M.
1999 |
Back-caculated individual growth of long rough dab (Hippoglossoides platessoides) in the Barents Sea |
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56: 689-696 |
Gundersen, A. C. og Gjøsæter, H.
1998 |
A comparison between abundance estimates of the Barents Sea capelin (Mallotus villosus, Müller) at the larval, 0-group, and 1-group stage, for the year classes 1981-1994. |
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 55 (1):95-101 |
Nortvedt, R. og Tuene, S.
1998 |
Body composition and sensory assessment of three weight groups of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) fed three pellet sizes and three dietary fat levels. |
Aquaculture, 161: 295-313.
Nortvedt, R., Torrissen, O.J. og Tuene, S.
1998 |
Application of near-infrared transmittance spectroscopy in the determination of fat, protein and dry matter in Atlantic halibut fillet. |
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 42: 199-207. |
Aas, G.H., Bjerkeng, B., Hatlen, B. og Storebakken,T. |
1997 |
Idoxanthin, a major carotenoid in the flesh of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) fed diets containing astaxanthin. |
Aquaculture 150: 135-142 |
Hatlen,B., Aas, G.H., Jørgensen, E., Storebakken, T. og Goswami, U.C. |
1995 |
Pigmentation of 1, 2 and 3 year old Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) fed two different dietary astaxanthin concentrations
Aquaculture, 138: 303-312
Stoknes, I. og Rustad, T.
1995 |
Purification and characterisation of a multicatalytic proteinase from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) muscle. |
Comp. Biochem.Physiol, 111B (4): 587-596
Stoknes, I. og Rustad, T. |
1995 |
Proteolytic activity in the muscle from Atlantic salmon. |
J.Food Sci. 60 (4): 711-714 |
Nortvedt, R. og Tuene, S.
1995 |
Multivariate evaluation of feed for Atlantic halibut. |
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 29: 271-282. |
Harboe, T., Tuene, S., Mangor-Jensen, A., Rabben, H. og Huse, I. |
1994 |
Design and operation of an incubator for yolk-sac larvae of Atlantic halibut.
Progressive Fish-Culturist, 56: 188-193
Shearer,K.D., Åsgård, T.; Andorsdottir, G. og Aas, G.H. |
1994 |
Whole body elemental and proximate composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during the life cycle. |
Journal of Fisheries Biology, 44: 785-797
Stoknes, I., Rustad, T. og Mohr, V. |
1993 |
Comparative studies of the proteolytic activity of tissue extracts from cod (Gadus morhua) and herring (Clupea harengus).
Comp. Biochem.Physiol. 106: 613-619.
Mangor Jensen, A., Harboe, T., Tuene, S., Boxaspen, K. og Skjolddal, L |
1990 |
Intensive production of halibut fry. |
In R.L. Saunders (ed.) Proceedings of Canada-Norway finfish aquaculture workshop, September 11.-14. 1989. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 1761: 153-159. |
Aas, G.H., Refstie, T. og Gjerde,B |
1990 |
Evaluation of milt quality of Atlantic salmon |
Aquaculture 100:125-132 |