Factors that affect vitality of Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Krøyer 1838...
Factors that affect vitality of Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Krøyer 1838) during capture and storage that are destined for live trade
Wenche Emblem Larssen, , James KennedyPublisher:
Journal of shellfish researchPrincipal:
Fiskeri og Havbruksnæringens ForskningsfondReport nr:
Vol. 32, No. 3Publication type:
Vitenskaplige ArtiklerPage number:
Pandalus borealis, Stress, Trål, DecapodaThere is the potential to exploit new markets if fishermen are able to land live shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Krøyer 1838). For this trade to be economically viable, a high survival rate during capture and storage is essential. This study investigates possible factors such as trawl duration, sorting, storage temperature, storage time, and storage density that can affect the mortality of shrimp in captivity. Oxygen consumption and ammonia production at different storage temperatures are also investigated. Oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion increased with temperature. Storage of live shrimp in flow-through water for 48 h shows a survival rate greater than 95% at 2C and 5C. The survival rate was approximately 70% and 50%after 48 h and at 10C and 15C, respectively. Storage density did not impact survival, whereas increasing trawl tow time led to an increase in mortality. The sorting process of shrimp led to a minor increase in mortality, probably as a result of increased air exposure and mechanical stress. Trials using cooled water in August had a greater survival rate than uncooled surface water. However, survival was less than for shrimp caught during winter. This might be a result of the shrimp undergoing molting or warmer air temperatures. It was concluded that capture and transport to local markets is most likely to succeed during winter and early spring, when water and air temperatures are cooler and the shrimp are not molting.