Identification of Greenland halibut nursery grounds and spawning area in East G...
Identification of Greenland halibut nursery grounds and spawning area in East Greenland: Implications for management of the West Nordic stock
Agnes Christine Gundersen, , , James Kennedy, Jesper BojePublisher:
Møreforsking MarinPrincipal:
Norges ForskingsrådReport nr:
MA 11-13Isbn/Issn:
0804-54380Publication type:
RapportPage number:
33Spawning of Greenland halibut was found to occur in August based on data form a gillnet survey in 1995. About 10% of the matured females were spawning. The nursery grounds are currently unknown for the West Nordic stock of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) and the entire stock is assumed to originate from a common spawning ground southwest of Iceland. Our data confirms spawning also in another area than previously described (Iceland). We present information on juvenile Greenland halibut which were caught in the fjords of East Greenland. The densities in Tasilaq area suggest that this area may be part of a nursery area for Greenland halibut in the West-Nordic management unit. However, the importance of this area to the stock is currently unknown. This has implications for the management of the West Nordic Greenland halibut as the management unit may comprise of several stocks, or perhaps a meta-population.