Norwegian Commercial Fisheries on demersal species in the Hatton Bank area duri...
Norwegian Commercial Fisheries on demersal species in the Hatton Bank area during 2003
Møreforsking MarinePrincipal:
FHFReport nr:
Å0404Publication type:
Page number:
Hatton Bank, Catch composition, Fishing effort, CPUE, LonglineDuring 2003, Norwegian longliners landed fish representing 746.6 tonnes round weight from the Hatton Bank area. This year 4 Norwegian longliners reported catches from the Hatton Bank. The longliners spent 163 days in the area, which is an increase of approximately 20 % from 2002.
Landings by the Norwegian longliners from the Hatton Bank area were dominated by Greenland halibut and blue ling. In general, catch composition seemed similar to previous years. Also this year a marked variation in catch rates and species composition were observed between depth strata and vessels. This complicated comparison of catch rates between years.
Information from previous Norwegian longline fishery at Hatton Bank is limited, both regarding catch rates and biological aspects. Interpretation of this information is not strait forward and should therefore be handled with care. The results underline the need to follow the fishery closely in the years ahead.