Norwegian Commercial Fisheries on Hatton Bank during 2002
Norwegian Commercial Fisheries on Hatton Bank during 2002
Møreforsking MarinePrincipal:
The Fishery and Aquaculture Industry Research FundReport nr:
Å0301Publication type:
Page number:
Hatton Bank, CPUE, Catch composition, Catch rates, LonglineDuring the 2002 fishing season Norwegian longliners caught and landed approximately 1 500 metric tons (t), round weight, of demersal fish from international waters within the NEAFC region (Northeast Atlantic). About 60 % was caught in the Hatton Bank area. Some vessels went on whole trips (6 weeks) to Hatton Bank, and others fished for shorter periods. Norwegian longline vessels spent 135 days in the area during 2002, which is approximately 33 % of the effort spent during 2001. As during previous years the catch composition varied markedly between vessels. The proportion of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the landings was lower in 2002, than 2001. This was a result of an increase in the portion of time being spent targeting blue ling (Molva dipterygia), tusk (Brosme brosme) and mora (Mora moro) in the shallower parts of the bank. Reduced prices especially for Greenland halibut seem to be the main reason for the reduced fishing intensity at Hatton Bank during 2002.