Value Chain Analysis: Dried and Salted Cod from Norway to Portugal
Value Chain Analysis: Dried and Salted Cod from Norway to Portugal
Bjørn Tore NystrandPublisher:
Møreforsking MarinPrincipal:
Møreforsking ForskningsfondReport nr:
MA 12-03|
ISSN 0804-5380Publication type:
Page number:
Torsk , Verdikjede , Norge, Portugal, Gadus morhuaThe
purpose of this working paper is to present a preliminary analysis of the value chain
for dried salted cod produced in Norway and exported to Portugal. The paper is
organised as follows: Section 1 deals with production of cod, including
catches, first-hand prices and organisation. Section 2 describes processing of cod
into a dried and salted product, followed by a description of transportation to
Portugal (section 3). Final consumption
is discussed in section 4. Section 5 is concerned with regulations as regards
participation in fisheries and the management of marine resources. Section 6 is on market structure, while the Norwegian-Portuguese
price transmission for dried salted and cod is analysed in section 7. The
paper is summarised in the final section.
This working paper is written as part of a pre-project on value chains in
fisheries at Aalesund University College, which in turn is part of a FAO project on value chains in small scale fisheries. The pre-project is financed through the
research fund of Møreforsking AS.
More about the project here.
Working paper also published on the FAO project's website.