Final Evaluation on Project of Projects funded Within the RFO "ENABLE - ENABLin...
Final Evaluation on Project of Projects funded Within the RFO "ENABLE - ENABLing European Entrepreneurship"
Lars Julius HalvorsenPublisher:
Sogn og Fjordane and Hordaland CountiesReport nr:
978-82-7692-266-0Publication type:
ArbeidsrapportPage number:
Entreprenørskap, Regional utvikling, Partnarskap, Innovasjon , Næringsutvikling• The overall picture is that the project partners have done what they were committed to in the project proposals. Most projects were conducted within the limits of their budgets and time schedule. In addition, some of the projects have outperformed.
• Most projects have produced outcomes that can be expected to have a lasting, positive effect on the partner organizations and their regions.
• The ENABLE projects have resulted in social relations that will last after the project period. Most project participants have intentions to stay in touch with their respective project partners after the completion of the project, and some have specific plans for this. Such relations form networks that can be an important competitive strength for those partners and their regions.
• As could be expected, several problems occurred during the project period. The most frequently mentioned problems are lack short time schedules in the application as well as the project period, budget reductions, and the level of bureaucracy. Still, most projects were able to fulfil their obligations.
• Cultural and structural differences between partners, and partner regions has also been challenging in some cases.
• Arguably, the most severe problem seems to be shift in key personnel. Though not being among the most frequent problems, some degree of readiness to address such problem should be developed.
• Even if the survey put more focus on problems than on things working well, several respondents emphasized that a helpful and service minded ENABLE-management and staff has been an important success factor.