Food or fad? Challenges and opportunities for including seaweeds in a Nordic di...
Food or fad? Challenges and opportunities for including seaweeds in a Nordic diet
Annelise Chapman, Pierrick Stévant, Wenche Emblem LarssenUtgiver:
Botanica MarinaRapportnr:
Seaweeds represent highly nutritious seafood products with the potential for becoming more central elements in Western human diets than currently realized. Using locally available seaweed species (Palmaria palmata, Saccharina latissima, Laminaria digitata and Alaria esculenta), we tested preparation methods, flavour and taste perception in the context of a culinary experience. In collaboration with a local cooking school and a group of chefs, a cooking workshop explored the possibilities for seaweeds to be included in a variety of region-specific menus, testing their individual qualities and characteristics as sea vegetables, flavour enhancers and in condiments. Through developing quality descriptors for both steamed and dried products of the target species, the study laid the foundation for future systematic sensory analyses. Preliminary tests revealed a strong impact of species on sensory perception, with P. palmata having a sensory profile distinct from the kelp species. A consumer test of S. latissima in fish cakes confirmed our hypothesis that seaweeds as food ingredients do not negatively affect the taste experience for seafood dishes.
consumer perception; flavour descriptors; Nordic cuisine; sensory analyses.
Chapman, A. S., Stévant, P. and Emblem Larssen, W. (2015). Food or fad? Challenges and opportunities for including seaweeds in a Nordic diet. Botanica Marina 58(6).