2012Longitudinal Research on Vulnerable Young People Conducted at Volda University ...Longitudinal Research on Vulnerable Young People Conducted at Volda University College and Møre Research: A Methods ReportForfatter(e): Jon Olav Myklebust, Rune Kvalsund, Finn Ove Båtevik, Irene BeleUtgiver: Møreforsking VoldaOppdragsgiver: Høgskulen i VoldaRapportnr: 6/2012|Isbn/Issn: 1891-5973Publikasjonstype: Notat|Sidetall: 28LAST NED PDFThis note provides a descriptive overview of the longitudinal data concerning youth with specialneeds in upper secondary school that have been collected for many years at Volda University Collegeand Møre Research. Through four closely linked projects, the same individuals have been followedover a period of 16 years, in most cases, from the age of 17 to 33 years.