
Through over 30 years of business, Møreforsking has built solid expertise on designing and conducting projects within varying time- and budget-frames. The institute has 55 employees, whom conduct research, development, counseling and knowledge development.


Bjørn Tore Nystrand

Bjørn Tore Nystrand holds a master's degree in Marine Business Management with a specialization in consumer behavior and marketing from UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) (2008). He is currently a PhD fellow in marketing at the School of Business and Economics, UiT. The thesis focuses on food choice and consumer behavior toward functional foods. 
Research interests beside consumer marketing and consumer behavior include international seafood trade, product development and industrial marketing (B2B). Core competencies include multivariate data analysis, quantitative research methods and structural equation modelling (SEM).  
Bjørn Tore has been a researcher at Møreforsking since 2009. He has been involved in a vast number of projects covering several research fields, from optimization in the production of salted (and dried) fish, product and market development of conventional fish products, via gender and educational research to consumer behavior and marketing related to the food domain.