
Through over 30 years of business, Møreforsking has built solid expertise on designing and conducting projects within varying time- and budget-frames. The institute has 55 employees, whom conduct research, development, counseling and knowledge development.


Pierrick Stévant

Pierrick holds a Ph.D. in marine biotechnology and food science with specialization in processing and quality of seaweeds as food ingredient, from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2019. During his doctoral work, he studied the effects of preservation methods (e.g. drying, fermentation, freezing) as well as other processes on the nutrient content, food safety and sensory quality of relevant seaweed species for food.
After his master's degree in marine biology and aquaculture from the University of Montpellier, France, in 2008, he worked with fry production of both halibut and cod as well as seaweed and kelp cultivation, in Scotland, Norway and Brazil. His work experience in the private sector is linked to research and development.
Pierrick has worked as a researcher at Møreforsking since 2013 and belongs to seafood quality group. He mainly works with projects within the production and processing of seaweeds. Through his work, he has disseminated knowledge through international publishing and participation in conferences.