
Through over 30 years of business, Møreforsking has built solid expertise on designing and conducting projects within varying time- and budget-frames. The institute has 55 employees, whom conduct research, development, counseling and knowledge development.


Wenche Emblem Larssen

Wenche Emblem Larssen is a food scientist and has been working at Møreforsking since 1999. Her research areas are mainly connected to seafood quality with a special focus on sensory evaluation and product development. This includes how the sensory quality influences consumer preferences for a product both concerning food safety and health claim. In addition, she has an interest related to catch treatment, quality assessment and live transport of crustaceans. Correct animal welfare is crucial to reduce physiological stress and to maintain high quality of the product. 
In 2017, Larssen's research was evaluated by an external committee and she was qualified as a senior scientist. She has a master’s degree in food science from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). In addition, she has a bachelor's degree as Biomedical Laboratory Scientist and a cand.mag. degree in Fish Biology from Ålesund University College.  
Larssen has extensive project management experience and research expertise from both national and international projects. Her projects are mainly in close cooperation with the marine industry. Larssen is a board member of the Norwegian sensory network and has during the last years held several international lectures featuring sensory quality of marine products.