
Through over 30 years of business, Møreforsking has built solid expertise on designing and conducting projects within varying time- and budget-frames. The institute has 55 employees, whom conduct research, development, counseling and knowledge development.


Trond Roger Oskars

Trond Roger Oskars is a marine biologist and zoologist trained in matters concerning snails and other invertebrates. He holds a master’s degree in Marine Biodiversity (2013) and a PhD in Marine Invertebrate Systematics (2019) from The University of Bergen and was stationed at the Natural History Collections. 

Oskars’ expertise is species identification of marine invertebrates, their anatomy and ecology. He has wide competence with micro-dissections, illustrations, scanning electron microscopy and DNA-based methods for delimiting relationships between species. He also has teaching experience in the anatomy of most genera of invertebrates and statistic methods of DNA comparison.

He has also worked with governmental natural management at the County Governor’s Office of Møre og Romsdal. During this time, he gained experience in counselling and preparations of emission permits for free-floating, closed system and land-based aquaculture. Oskars also has experience with evaluating environmental reports, coral discovery reports, environmental influence by aquaculture and sewage as well as ocean-use management.

Oskars is affiliated with the research group Ocean and Health (Hav og Helse) at Campus Kristiansund. His research interest ranges from new marine resources, new aquaculture species, sustainable aquaculture, species identification, biodiversity, threatened habitats to species on the Norwegian list of threatened species and the list of invasive species